This content was migrated from the old wiki and is awaiting an update.

  1. Galaxy
  2. Galaxy Size
  3. Milky Way
    1. Solar Systems
      1. Terra
      2. Nether
      3. End
      4. Abydos
      5. Chulak
      6. Cavum Tenebrae
  4. Pegasus
    1. Solar Systems
      1. Lantea
      2. End


In Stargate Journey, Galaxies are collections of Solar Systems in which travel with the use of 7-chevron Addresses is possible. There are currently 2 Galaxies added by Stargate Journey.

Galaxy Size

Galaxy Size dictates the Size of the Galaxy and by extension, the maximum number of Symbols in that Galaxy. Currently available sizes are:

  • Dwarf Galaxy 36 Symbols
  • Medium Galaxy 39 Symbols
  • Large Galaxy 42 Symbols
  • Giant Galaxy 45 Symbols
  • Supergiant Galaxy 48 Symbols ***

Note: Currently, Galaxy Size is only used to limit the 7-chevron Addresses which can generate inside Galaxies.

Milky Way

  • Type: Medium Galaxy
  • Milky Way is the default Galaxy, meaning that if there are Dimensions added by mods and random address generation is enabled, all of the Dimensions will be assigned to a randomly generated Solar System inside the Milky Way Galaxy.

    Solar Systems


  • Address: -27-25-4-35-10-28-


  • Address: -27-23-4-34-12-28-


  • Address: -13-24-2-19-3-30-


  • Address: -26-6-14-31-11-29-


  • Address: -8-1-22-14-36-19-

Cavum Tenebrae

  • Address: -18-7-3-36-25-15-


  • Type: Dwarf Galaxy

    Solar Systems


  • Address: -29-5-17-34-6-12-


  • Address: -14-30-6-13-17-23-