Frequently Asked Questions

If you are playing All the Mods 9 modpack, check its section first.

  1. I am having an issue with the mod. How do I fix it?
  2. I dialed a Milky Way Stargate. Why isn’t it rotating?
  3. Is there an example of a ComputerCraft dialing program?
  4. How to find addresses of other dimensions?
    How to find Cartouches?
  5. The Stargate “glitch” / lags when spinning
  6. I dialed the Address of Nether/The End/Other Dimension. Why is the game telling me “Dialed Solar System has no Stargates”?
  7. How can I find the 9-chevron address of my Stargate?
  8. How do I make a Stargate?

I am having an issue with the mod. How do I fix it?

Check out Troubleshooting for common problems.

I dialed a Milky Way Stargate. Why isn’t it rotating?

Milky Way Stargates do not spin if DHD is used, and symbols are instead “encoded directly.” If you want the gate to spin, use the interface and computercraft mod, or dial the gate manually (with redstone).

A designated Dialing Computer block is planned for the future that will allow easy dialing with the gate spinning without the need for computercraft.

Is there an example of a ComputerCraft dialing program?

Yes, here is a repository with some example programs.

You can also join Discord server to find community creations.

There is also an outdated video tutorial that goes through the steps of creating a basic dialing program.

YouTube video

How to find addresses of other dimensions?
How to find Cartouches?

In survival mode, check Survival Guide / Finding addresses.

Creative mode (with command)

You can use the command /sgjourney stargateNetwork address <dimension>, which will tell you the 7-chevron address of the specified dimension. Check the commands section for details and other available commands.

The Stargate “glitch” / lags when spinning

This is primarily noticeable on the Universe Stargate. It is because the Stargate movement is “actually happening.” And it is not just a client-side animation, so it is more prone to low tps and network lags. The movement is synchronized for all players.

I dialed the Address of Nether/The End/Other Dimension. Why is the game telling me “Dialed Solar System has no Stargates”?

Stargates only generate in the Overworld and Dimensions added by Stargate Journey. Other Dimensions have their Addresses and can house Stargates. However, unless you use a Datapack, they won’t generate Stargates by default. If you want to make a Dimension generate Stargates, follow this Guide.

How can I find the 9-chevron address of my Stargate?

No matter what, you can use a PDA; right-clicking the gate will print info about it to the chat.

Or you can break the gate and check its tooltip in the inventory. The 9-chevron address will be in the tooltip if it is a classic (or upgraded) Stargate or the always_display_stargate_id config option is enabled (disabled by default).

Tooltip image

Classic Stargate tooltip

How do I make a Stargate?

Check Survival Guide / End game - Creating a Stargate.