Making Datapacks for Stargate Journey

This section is outdated, consider it as Work in Progress

This content was migrated from the old wiki and is awaiting an update.

Stargate Journey allows you to change many of its aspects with the use of Datapacks, for instance adding new Galaxies or even custom Stargate variants. For more info about what datapacks are and how to make them, check out the Datapacks page.

Common Stargates

Stargate Journey has an officially supported compatibility with the Common Stargates Datapack and its sub-datapacks.

The Common Stargates Datapack changes Stargate structure world generation and instead of generating only 1 Stargate per dimension (2 in the case of Overworld), worlds using the Common Stargates Datapack will generate indefinite number of Stargate structures.

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